
Date Call ModeRST (S)RST (R)BandCountry Station
08/04/76 G8HXD SSB57572mEngland G4GOU
30/03/76 G8HAF SSB55542mEngland G4GOU
19/03/76 G8AHK SSB59592mEngland G4GOU
18/03/76 G3PMQ SSB59592mEngland G4GOU
27/02/76 GW4CZM SSB58582mWales G4GOU
26/02/76 DB4FO SSB55552mFederal Republic Of Germany G4GOU
26/02/76 DC9QR/M SSB58582mFederal Republic Of Germany G4GOU
26/02/76 F1DZN SSB59592mFrance G4GOU
25/02/76 DA4BM SSB52522mFederal Republic Of Germany G4GOU
25/02/76 DB1FL SSB58582mFederal Republic Of Germany G4GOU
24/02/76 PAØJTA SSB58582mNetherlands G4GOU
17/02/76 G8JXK SSB52522mEngland G4GOU
27/12/75 ON1LE FM59592mBelgium G4GOU
24/05/75 G8JLM SSB59592mEngland G4GOU
04/11/73 G3VKI/A FM59592mEngland G4GOU
09/09/73 G8CDW FM58582mEngland G4GOU
21/11/71 G8BFU AM59592mEngland G4GOU
20/11/71 G8FAS FM59592mEngland G4GOU
07/11/71 G8CBU FM55552mEngland G4GOU
31/10/71 G8CHE FM59592mEngland G4GOU