
Date Call ModeRST (S)RST (R)BandCountry Station
20/07/21 CT3IQ FT8+00+0720mMadeira Islands G4GOU
20/07/21 DM1MAX FT8+01-1920mFederal Republic Of Germany G4GOU
20/07/21 DJØWJ FT8+06+0120mFederal Republic Of Germany G4GOU
20/07/21 EB3JT FT8-05-1120mSpain G4GOU
20/07/21 9A4ZM FT8-07-0420mCroatia G4GOU
20/07/21 F4DDX FT8+00-1020mFrance G4GOU
20/07/21 OH6FYP FT8-07-0120mFinland G4GOU
20/07/21 N4BP FT8-09-1620mUnited States Of America G4GOU
20/07/21 YL2NX FT8-07-0820mLatvia G4GOU
20/07/21 F5OIH FT8-03+0020mFrance G4GOU
14/07/21 EA3CV FT8-05-1217mSpain G4GOU
14/07/21 DL1UDO FT8+08-1317mFederal Republic Of Germany G4GOU
14/07/21 EA7PY FT8-10-1317mSpain G4GOU
07/07/21 F2YT FT8-08-1020mFrance G4GOU
07/07/21 PG5JD FT8-04+0820mNetherlands G4GOU
07/07/21 PA3GZR FT8-11-2120mNetherlands G4GOU
07/07/21 DG2PX FT8-13-0620mFederal Republic Of Germany G4GOU
04/07/21 DM4WRI FT8-09-0520mFederal Republic Of Germany G4GOU
04/07/21 ON3DFD FT8+05+0820mBelgium G4GOU
10/06/21 DO5MAD FT8-11+0115mFederal Republic Of Germany G4GOU
10/06/21 GJØKYZ FT8-04+0615mJersey G4GOU
10/06/21 EG1RKB FT8-09+0515mSpain G4GOU
10/06/21 F5RRS FT8+07+0215mFrance G4GOU
10/06/21 DL2AL FT8-08-0915mFederal Republic Of Germany G4GOU
10/06/21 EA1AA FT8-11-1315mSpain G4GOU