
Date Call ModeRST (S)RST (R)BandCountry Station
27/11/23 4Z5NN FT8-05-1817mIsrael EA7KIP
27/11/23 K8IJ FT8-08-1617mUnited States EA7KIP
27/11/23 CT7AKT FT8+10+0017mPortugal EA7KIP
27/11/23 DB1BAC FT8-01-1017mFederal Republic Of Germany EA7KIP
27/11/23 HB9HPR FT8+02-1215mSwitzerland EA7KIP
27/11/23 IK1GVQ FT8+09-0915mItaly EA7KIP
27/11/23 LZ1ON FT8-02-0115mBulgaria EA7KIP
27/11/23 DLØEUF FT8+10-2515mFederal Republic Of Germany EA7KIP
26/11/23 F5MXH FT8+05+0215mFrance EA7KIP
26/11/23 ZA/IW2JOP FT8+04-1415mAlbania EA7KIP
23/11/23 EB3JT FT8+00-1630mSpain EA7KIP
23/11/23 CT2GQA FT8-08-1030mPortugal EA7KIP
23/11/23 CT2FFC FT8+01+0330mPortugal EA7KIP
23/11/23 HA1BF FT8-03-0715mHungary EA7KIP
23/11/23 DL1DTL FT8+03-0515mFederal Republic Of Germany EA7KIP
23/11/23 IK4LZH FT8-04-0115mItaly EA7KIP
23/11/23 LZ2VQ FT8-15-2315mBulgaria EA7KIP
23/11/23 IW3HKP FT8+07+0015mItaly EA7KIP
23/11/23 II4CLT FT8+09-0515mItaly EA7KIP
23/11/23 DL8PG FT8+07-0515mFederal Republic Of Germany EA7KIP
23/11/23 F5PIO FT8+03-1115mFrance EA7KIP
21/11/23 2EØWDS FT8+01-1915mEngland EA7KIP
21/11/23 NP3MR FT8+00-0615mPuerto Rico EA7KIP
21/11/23 IK2ZJR FT8+16+1915mItaly EA7KIP
21/11/23 EA8DS FT8+09-1115mCanary Islands EA7KIP